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We are Mike and Patti!

This is the beginning of a dream come true for us! We have been coming down to the Keys for some time. Like many of you, we fell in love with the ocean, the beauty, and the way of life. Mike and I are from Texas for most of our life. (Mike, all of his life, you can tell from his accent)! We are in the process of making the permanent move, which is very exciting and adventureous for us! Mike and I have 7 children! YES I said 7, three grandchildren, and two on the way. Our two beautiful teenage daughters Meagan and Aliyah are still at home, and if I get my way, they are never leaving. All of us love to sail, fish, snorkel and any other sport that the Keys have to offer. Jean and Lee have built a wonderful park which I am finding out is full of great people, both the full timers,and our seasonal guests. We thank them very much for the heip they have given during this transistion. We will work very hard to maintain and preserve all that they have done. We hope to have our Texas smoker down here very soon, and I promise we will put on a BBQ you will never forget! We look forward to meeting all of you, and are excited about the new friends we havent yet met.

MIke and Patti


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